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Monday, June 22, 2020

Christ restores, gathers, and contends for us

Here’s a little thought from my study this morning. In Alma 17:29-33 I noticed a different perspective to those verses if I think of myself in the place of the servants and think of Jesus Christ in the place of Ammon and think of sharing the gospel or raising my family.

Servants/Me: wept because of fear (vs. 29)

Ammon/Christ: I will show forth my power restoring ...that I may lead them to believe in my words (vs. 29) be of good cheer and let us go in search ...and we will gather them (vs 31)

Servants/Me: they did follow ...they rushed forth with much swiftness ...and did gather them together again to the place of water (vs 32)

Ammon/Christ: Encircle the flocks round about that they flee not and I go and contend with these men who do scatter. (Vs. 33)

Sunday, January 5, 2020

2020 Daily Family Scripture Study and Weekly FHE Chart

This year I set a goal to have daily family scripture study and weekly FHE.  I like to have a cute reminder of my goals and a visual way to track my progress so I made this chart.  The trick will be to not make this a "check the box" approach to following the commandment to read the scriptures daily.  I hope I can share my love of the Book of Mormon with my family and help them learn to love it too.

Click here to download the chart