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Monday, August 18, 2014

Wasted Watermelons

August 18, 2014

Today I threw several watermelons away that rotted because I never harvested them.  Sadly, this isn’t the only thing I’ve grown that has gone to waste.  I do great at planting a garden and weeding the first month or so then when things get a little hot outside I get too tired, busy, lazy, etc. to go out and harvest the things that are there waiting for me.  This made me think about other blessings that I might be able to claim if I made a little effort.  What is keeping me from those blessings?  Laziness, being to busy, anger, resentment, low self-esteem, inability to forgive, pride, feeling ashamed, fear, retaliation, and vengeance are all tools of Satan to keep me from claiming the blessing that could be mine.

However, the teachings of Jesus Christ, which are the key to mostly likely achieving happiness in individual and family life, gives the antidote to those temptations.  Jesus Christ teaches, diligence, being still long enough to ponder, joy, happiness for others, individual worth, divine nature, reaching out to others, forgiveness, humility, asking for advice, heeding good advice, praise, faith, sympathy, turning things over to the Lord by using his atonement.

I also realize that I could have also blessed other’s lives if I would have shared my watermelons with my neighbors instead of letting them rot in my own yard.  The Lord wants me to claim blessings to bless my life and the lives of those around me.



1 comment:

Jewel said...

What an awesome analogy--I had an extremely similar one as I cleaned out my fridge for the first time after a very busy summer and saw all of the food I had let go to waste there.

What beautiful thoughts to get from rotten watermelon!