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Monday, March 21, 2016

Letter - March 20, 2016 - Use of Talents Means More Than Size of Talent Inventories

March 20, 2016

It’s been a few weeks since I have written.  We’ve been good.  We are in the middle of our two week spring break. 

Monday evening we went swimming at the power ranch pool.  It is heated, but it was still too cold for me.  We noticed they put new, really cool play structures at the park there.  Tuesday the kids went back to the power ranch park for Grammy days.
In case you're wondering, soccer balls and tv's don't mix. The child responsible for the accident feels terrible, I'm glad I kept my cool so I didn't add to their pain. Kids are more important than tv's. ‪#‎springbreakcasualty‬ ‪#‎dontkickballsinthehouse‬

Tilly's fudgesicle beard
Last week Wednesday - Saturday Spencer got to go to Mountain Man Rendezvous.  Chad took Friday off work so he was able to join Spencer a the event on Thursday evening.  Spencer has been looking forward to this activity for a long time.  He came home yesterday very happy and with lots of items that he traded for, lots of good stories and lots fond memories.  He has very good Teacher’s quorum leaders and an amazing group of young men in his teacher’s quorum. 

Here is a fun video of Spencer and his troop members at Mountain Man Rendezvous. They had to get each member of the troop over the 15 ft. wall. Spencer is the last scout to get over. Cole Lambrigger is the strong arm that grabs him.

Since Chad and Spencer were going to be gone Chad suggested that we go up to Snowflake.  I’m sure glad he did.  We left Wednesday afternoon and got back yesterday.  We had such a wonderful time.  My kids had cousins to play with pretty much all day and night each day we were there.  Thursday we went with several cousins to the skate park in town to ride scooters.  I didn’t even know Snowflake had a skate park.  I’m glad the kids asked at the last minute if they could take their scooters.  Friday an even bigger group of cousins and my siblings went to see Zootopia at the Show Low Theaters.  It was a good movie for older kids and adults, but Marlee and Tilly were pretty scared.  I read one of my Mom’s good books each evening while I was there.  I love to read.  Amy and I got to meet our new cute great-niece Rory, my niece Kari’s baby.  The kids and I got to hold Jewel’s new baby chicks.  We got to see Amy’s amazing new house.  I went to the new Walmart in Taylor.  It was just an all-around good trip.  

Marlee and her cousin Mary have matching gap toothed smiles. They both turn 7 this month. Their birthdays are 6 days apart. It was so fun to have these babies born close together and it's still fun watching them grow up together.
Terry Sue "Princess" and Tilly
Most of our group at the skate park

Lot being brave!
Cute Rory

I love that Bryant was wearing his how to pick up chicks shirt when we went to hold Jewel's chicks.
My back has been hurting a lot for the last week or two.  I had several huge knots that are so painful.  I went to the chiropractor last Monday and got a half hour massage and an adjustment but that didn’t bring me any relief.  It’s starting to feel a little better from doing my stretches, but it is not back to 100%.

Things have been going well with the new ladies that I get to work with in Young Women’s.  I’m excited for the opportunity to make new close friends and for the opportunity for the Young Women to learn from these new virtuous women.

I’m looking forward to this week.  Chad took Monday – Wednesday off work to be able to spend time with the kids during spring break.  Tomorrow we are going to Tucson for a few days.  We are going to Kartchner Caverns, the Reid Park Zoo, and Old Tucson Studios.

We've had a nice late, lazy Sunday night since no one has work or school tomorrow.  I love to see Chad so relaxed.
My quote for this week is, “I know the celestial criteria measure service, not status; the use of our talents, not the relative size of our talent inventories.  I know that Church membership is not passive security but continuing opportunity” (Elder Maxwell, April 1974).


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