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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Personal Progress – Integrity Value Experience #2

March 7-8, 2016

Personal Progress – Integrity Value Experience #2
Conduct a self-assessment of your personal integrity. Ask yourself the following questions: Do I avoid gossip, inappropriate jokes, swearing and profanity, and being light-minded about sacred subjects? Am I completely truthful, morally clean, honest, dependable, and trustworthy in my schoolwork and other activities? Pray daily for strength and for the guidance of the Holy Ghost to help you live with integrity. Write in your journal the things you can do to improve your personal integrity and at least one new habit you want to develop.

To improve my personal integrity if I hear gossip I can stand up for that person and/or change the subject.  I will improve my integrity by not texting or checking email while driving.  I know this is dangerous.  I will also do better to be on time to appointments and things.  I know that when you are late it is as if you’re saying that your time is more valuable than another’s time.   The new habits I want to develop are to be a little early to appointments and things instead of always running late and to not text or check email while driving. 

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