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Monday, August 17, 2009

Great Talk

I really enjoyed reading the Elder Nelson's talk about the Family that he gave at the World Congress of Families. (See post below to find a link to his talk) After I read it I feel like I might want to have 3 or 4 more children. Here are some of my favorite quotes.

  • "Nothing, absolutely nothing, compares with the companionship between a husband and a wife. And nothing, absolutely nothing, can provide the joy and growth that come from happy children who make a family circle."
  • "If there is any hope for the future of nations, that hope resides in the family. Our children are our wealth; our children are our strength; our children are indeed our future!"
  • "In 1960, minor children formed half of the population; now they constitute only 30 percent. Predictions are that by the year 2025, single-person households will outnumber families with children. What would happen to the future of nations if the next generation failed to appear in significant number? The answer is alarming! Yes, we would be poorer economically, but even poorer spiritually. Spiritually, we need children as much as they need us. They are our spiritual wealth. Children teach us the joy of building goodness that will outlive our own. They teach us the joy of loving someone more than self. That love lifts one to give from the abundance of one's own life to help a child."
  • "We simply must value children more than we do! Without a new generation to replace the old, there is no wealth; without families, there is no future."

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