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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Letter - first day of school, girls camp

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

“It’s the first day of school; it’s the first day of school.” (Can you name the movie that quote comes from?)  The first day of school is always an exciting day around our house.  I did not feel ready for it.  Summer was WAY too short, plus I was gone from home much of last week for girls camp and so I was busy getting caught up from that and I hadn’t done much school shopping or anything.  I’ve decided girl’s camp and the first day of school should never be back to back.  It stressed me out … badly.  Oh well.  I lived through it and I’ve become stronger for it.  Plus today when all the kids were at school and Tilly was at Grammy Days I splurged and treated myself to a pedicure.  It was SO nice.  You can see our first day of school photos and other pictures this month HERE.

The last two weeks of summer flew by.  Mostly we swam a lot.  Thursday July 9th Chad went to the doctor to start finding out what is wrong with his knee.  He hurt it a while ago playing in a flag football league.  He keeps playing on it, but sometimes it pops out of place when he plays basketball.  The last time it popped out of place he said it took much longer to get back into place.  He got an MRI and x-ray today.  We won’t get results for a few days though.  I think he will probably need surgery. 

On the 9th I also turned over the dirt in our garden, made some rows and planted some pumpkins.  My hope is that come October we will have our own little pumpkin patch.  

July 10th Spencer had a deacon’s camp out.  Chad went with them.  They went to Willow springs lake and worked on the fishing merit badge.  Spencer was the first boy to catch a fish.  A deacon’s leaders knew how to take all the skin off so it would have a less fishy taste and they cooked it with butter and lemon pepper and Spencer tried it and actually liked it.  Chad still didn’t try it though.  He doesn’t like fish or sea food.  While Chad and Spencer were gone I took the rest of the kids to see a matinee showing of “Minions” and then we picked up two $5 pizzas from Geno’s.  It was a fun evening. 

Saturday morning of the 11th Bryant went to a volleyball camp at BFHS.  Spencer was supposed to go to one for his age group that afternoon, but he didn’t get back from him campout in time.  We lost that money, but he still got a t-shirt.

Sunday July 12th the ward council we met early so we could watch a 2 hour training video about how we can help our ward better honor the Sabbath Day.  It was a neat video.  I wish I could watch it again, but access was only given to bishops.  That evening we had dinner at Brenda’s and then went to visit my mom and a few of my siblings at Celeste’s home.  My mom was in town because she accompanied Celeste’s violin solo that she played in sacrament meeting.  It was fun to get to visit with both mine and Chad’s extended families that evening.

Early in the morning of Tuesday July 14th Chad had to fly to Washington for a work trip.  He got to stay at the Four Season right on the beach.  I was SO jealous.  I was bummed that I had girls camp so I couldn’t tag along with him.  He said the Four Seasons was so nice.  I spent most of that day packing and getting all the last minute details for girl’s camp ready.  I also noticed and was excited that my pumpkins sprouted out of the ground that day.      

Wednesday July 15th – 18th was girl’s camp.  Our theme was “Anchored in His Plan for me.”  It was a great camp.  On Friday afternoon instead of doing skits we had a big water fight.  That was SO fun.  Last year the skits lasted like 3 hours and were kind of painful to sit through because they didn’t have much plot to them.  Friday evening was our testimony and it was really good.  The girls did a good job of sharing true testimonies instead of “thankamonies” or “friendamonies”.  That evening felt like a big payday to me.    

It was so nice to return home Saturday afternoon to Chad and the kids.  They had the house all nice and clean.  I rested most of the afternoon and then Chad and I went on a date that evening.  We went to eat at On the Boarder.  They have our favorite Chili Relleno and yummy avocado fries.  After that we got a pork roast for Sunday dinner at Walmart and then came home and went to bed early. 

Sunday morning I had ward council, choir, BYC and then church.  I had to leave choir early so I could fix the girl’s hair.  Our ward now has ward council three Sundays a month since the sacrament meeting planning policy has changed and the ward council now helps plan topics for sacrament meeting.  My Sunday afternoon was relaxing.  Chad and I stayed up late playing card games with the kids.  Enjoying our last summer Sunday evening.

Monday I took the kids school shopping.  Yesterday the Bryant, Karalee and Marlee got to find out and meet their teachers and visit their classrooms.  That evening the laurels planed a combined YM YW back to school baptisms for the dead activity.  It was nice to be in the temple with all the youth.  After we finished everyone came to our house for root beer floats.  

That catches me up to date.  Things are going well at home, but I’ve had a lot of stress in my calling lately.  I’ve been stretched and tested.  I’ve had to get along with those who are hard to get along with and to be kind and to carefully choose my comments and replies so as not to offend.  I’ve wanted to quit at times.  I’ve learned a lot though and I feel like the Lord is helping me.  I won’t quit.

My quote for today is from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed but that our power to do has increased.”



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