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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day Daddy

Since I am not able to see my Dad today or get him a gift I decided to write a quick note to celebrate my Father today. I am so thankful that I was born into the Jake and Mary Louise Flake family. I am very grateful that they desired and made possible a large family. (I am the 11th of 13 children.) In a letter my mom wrote to me for a youth conference activity she said she was grateful that my dad was willing to support as many children as she wanted to have. When I was younger I didn't think that was such a big thing, but now I know that it is not common.

I am grateful my Dad taught me what was right and then let me govern myself. Even thought you could say my parents were strict, we were allowed to be on our own a lot and come and go throughout the neighborhood as we wanted. We didn't have a lot of rules growing up. For example, we didn't have a curfew, but we knew we had to get up and help work in the morning.

I am grateful my dad taught me how to work.

I am grateful for my Dad's love of people and his willingness to listen to and help them. My Dad passed away a little over two years ago and he still is getting honored from various groups that he helped.

From time to time I have dreams about my dad. I am thankful for them. They help me remember that even though he is not with us on the Earth at this time, he still exists and because of covenants that he has made I will be able to see him again and I will continue to be his daughter.


Jewel said...

Thank you for those thoughts--I always love reading your blog because it's so uplifting. Sure love you!

J+C+4=FUN said...

Thanks for your feelings and thoughts of your dad. He always made me feel like one of his daughters. He to taught me a lot such as praying no matter what. I have joined in them quite a few times. He would always make you feel important. Thank you for allowing me to have these memories of him.