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Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Jake Flake

Aug. 4, 1935 - June 8, 2008

My father passed away suddenly Sunday morning. I am going to be blogging quite a few pictures of him over the next few weeks because I save my blogs for a scrapbook. I will miss my dad tremendously. He was a great man, a wonderful dad, an awesome grandpa, a respected legislator, a treasured friend, and one of the last true cowboys. My family and I have felt so honored as people share how he has touched their lives. We have recieved many visits, phone calls, e-mails, etc. He was a friend to more people than we ever knew. Almost everyone that knew him loved him and he loved them. Here are a few more pictures of him.


The Hoopers said...

I just heard about your dad this morning. I am so sorry. I know you know this, but he had such a big influence on so many people. My father-in-law called us asking if I knew him because he didn't know him personally, but really respected him and heard so much good things about him. I was so proud to tell him that I did know him and what an amazing person he was. Let me know if there is anything we can do for you!

Michelle Johnston said...

How do I even put into words how sad I feel? I'd like to claim him as a second father, but I think many many others who werent even relatives would do the same! I wish so badly I could be there for the funeral. You are all in our prayers. I'm glad I'll get to see you at the 24th. Big hugs! Love ya tons.

Deanne said...

I was also so sad to hear about your dad. I read the article in the Arizona Republic online. I never knew how involved he was in Snowflake and all over Arizona. I will always remember him and his funny jokes and personality. He was a great man and has a wonderful posterity to carry forth his great name and legacy. My prayers are with you and your family especially you and Amy.

Jennifer said...

Love the pictures Mindy. It has amazed me these past few days how looking at pictures of your dad and reading things that people have said about him have been so comforting.
Love ya...JenM

melinda said...

Hi Mindy,

I know this is late, but I ran across your blog and wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. I can't even imagine how you must feel. Your dad was such a wonderful man, led such a great life and was loved by so many. He was so very sincere and always made everyone feel like they were important. I remember how kind he always was to me, and I was just a little girl. He influenced so many here on earth, and I know he will continue to do so in heaven.

I hope you are doing well, aside from your loss.
