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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Broken Window

So Bryant just threw a rock at the back window and it broke. Luckily it is double paned so we don't have to get it replaced right away. I am proud that I didn't loose my temper or anything, but I am having a hard time coming up with a good punishment. Usually when the kids break something Chad and I make them pay for it or help us fix it, but lets be honest, there is no way Bryant will be able to pay for this or be able to fix it without getting injured. Have your children ever broken a window before or do any of you have any ideas of how to make Bryant accountable for his actions?


Celeste Dana said...

Cooper's broken 2. We made him give us all of his spending money, but I don't know if that was the best thing to do. It's not as easy for a 4 year old to replace a window as it used to be.

Jennifer said...

I have no punishment pointers....sorry!

That is good that it's double paned though....and congrats on not loosing your temper!

Brian and Martha said...

Hey Mindy. This might not be what you're looking for, but Matthew broke one of our stain glass windows. I am still not quite sure I handled it right. I knew what he was doing, and I let him bounce the little bouncy ball in the house, not thinking it would hurt anything. But, anyway, it did. He told us, and he was sorry, so we called that good. Who knows though. I might have made him pay us all his spending money as well if it had been because he was disobeying or being reckless or something. Good luck.

Trina said...

Oh man, that is so funny. Sorry! I wish I could help you but I need all the help here!

Vandee said...

Way to go on not losing your temper. I like the suggestion that they have to pay for some of it. Maybe you could help him realize how expensive it is... Good luck!

Deanne said...

He got the window good. Good luck with that one. I would have been upset, but what can you do. Hopefully he already feels bad enough. It is hard to know at this age.

Brannon and Leslie said...

Ah crap. I think I would have lost my temper. Good for you for keeping it together. I'm not sure about a punishment though. That's toughee.

thebigcookiefam said...

WOW! it really is a hard thing to make a 4 year old understand something as big as this. hmmmmm.... I would probably have him do extra chorse on top of his normal stuff, to earn as much money as he is able to do and put it towrads the window. anyway sorry for such a mess you have to deal with.

Spencer and Caroline Family said...

Atta girl for not losing your temper...I guess it gives new meaning to "boys will be boys". When I read your blog entry the first thing that came to mind was all the stories that I heard from my DH's mother of MANY broken windows by his BB gun. Remember that you will be laughing at this story 20 years from now with his wife and kids.