December 21, 2015
Personal Progress Individual Worth value
experience #1
Write in your journal how these scriptures teach
you that Heavenly Father knows me, loves me, and is mindful of you.
- In Psalm 8:4-6 I learn that I have been crowned with glory and honor, that I have been given dominion, or been entrusted, over the works of His hands.
- In Jeremiah 1:5 I learn that the Lord knew me and sanctified me before I was even born. He knows my talents and abilities better than I know my children and their talents and abilities. He gave me a mission to fulfil.
- In John 13:34 I learn that Heavenly Father loves me and that he loves all His children so He wants me to treat then as He would if He were here.
- In Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 I learn that my worth is great in the sign of God. It is the devil who tempts me with feelings of low self-worth; it is him who tempts me to feel like I’m not talented enough or skinny enough, etc.
- In Abraham 3:22-23 I learn that Heavenly Father stood with interacted and talked with His spirit children before they were born. He saw that they were good, so I am good. He created an earth for me and his other spirits to dwell on.
- In Joseph Smith – History 1:1-20 I learn that a contentious spirit is not conducive to sharing the gospel. Joseph Smith recognized the hypocrisy of the religious sects his in time, “so that all their good feelings one for another, if they ever had any, were entirely lost in a strife of words and a contest about opinions”. I learn that I can go to God with my questions and my problems with a sincere heart and He will liberally answer my prayers and he will not get mad at me for asking. Heavenly Father knows what is happening in my life. He knows my name and the things I am struggling with. He is more powerful than Satan and can release me from Satan’s power.
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